Steering Committee
The businesses of the association are taken care by the board of directors (Steering Committee), consisting of the chair (the President) and no less than five and no more than six members from different countries elected by the general annual meeting.
Currently the Steering Committee is composed of the following members, as elected at the 2023 annual meeting:

Annuska Bloemert
The Netherlands
Deputy managing director for part of the Transactions and Projectsportfolio of the Rijksvastgoedbedrijf (RVB)
Her responsibilities include several extensive and high-profile programs such as the transformation of our Defence real estate portfolio and the renovation of our parliamentary precinct. A key focus across these programs will be standardization and efficient project delivery while incorporating flexibility for increasing requirements of sustainability or security, providing room for innovation and long term sustainable cooperation with all parties involved. .
Prior to joining RVB in 2017 Annuska worked as a head of procurement and strategic advisor at the Dutch Roads Authority and as a management consultant on public-private partnerships with PWC. Annuska holds an MBA from the University of Groningen.

Jonni Laitto
Chief Operating Officer (COO) Senate Properties (Senaatti-kiinteistöt)
As COO since 01.09.2024, Jonni is responsible for portfolio, asset, facility, and property management of the non-military property portfolio owned by the state of Finland. Before this, Jonni was the Construction Project Director for the Senate Group. BArch, b. 1973, at Senate Properties since 2013. Background in public and private sector construction project management and design since 1998.

Sarah Kowal
High-level expert,
Direction de l'immobilier de l'Etat
Sarah Kowal is a civil engineer and a French official of the ministry of ecological transition. Throughout her career, she has worked in various professional ecosystems such as Ministry departments or cabinet, private sector, local council, which allowed her to deal and coordinate with various stakeholders: elected representatives, administrations, private firms, and technical experts, and develop experiences in relation to conducting public policies, managing teams and projects, designing patrimonial, transport and land strategies and dealing with the various ecological transition challenges. In 2008 she joined the cabinet of the ministry of Greater Paris where she leaded the design of the Greater Paris transport scheme. From 2017 to 2022 she was in charge of the high-schools portfolio (6, 5 M m2) for the regional council of Paris Region. She currently holds a position of high level expert at the French state property directorate, in charge of various transversal topics, in particular the implementation of the state real estate company.

Renārs Griškevičs
Chairman of the Board of
VAS 'Valsts nekustamie īpašumi'
Chairman of the Board of SRE with direct responsibility for financial management, investment financing, and support functions. He has extensive experience in multinational company management, digital transformation, and corporate governance, as well as experience in business management in Latvia and Central and Eastern Europe. For 10 years, he has held leading positions in various branches of different countries of a construction manufacturer and building solutions company CEMEX, gaining extensive experience in operational, financial, and investment supervision, strategic planning, and procurement supervision. Renārs is also chairman of the Supervisory Board of strategic state roads maintenance company and his areas of responsibility are motorway infrastructure maintenance, management of the involved parties, corporate governance. Renārs has obtained a master’s degree in European Studies and a bachelor’s degree in Business Management at the University of Latvia. In addition, he has attended local and international studies at the Institute of Corporate Governance in the Baltics, professional training of board members.

Emma Li Bjærge
International Coordinator, Danish Building and Property Agency
Emma Li Bjærge has a background in Political Science and has been at the Danish Building and Property Agency since March 2020. She is among others responsible for international affairs and - relations in the organization and has previously worked within humanitarian NGOs nationally and in the Middle East.

Colin Proctor
Director with the Scottish Futures Trust
His principal focus is Construction Industry and Delivery. Colin’s areas of responsibility include improving programme and project delivery, asset data and digitisation, and improving the interface with the construction sector. Scottish Futures Trust operates as a centre of expertise for the Scottish Government and works across the whole of the public sector, including local government.
Colin is a chartered surveyor by profession, and prior to joining Scottish Futures Trust (13 years ago) he was a partner in a large international construction consultancy practice. Colin has built up more than 30 years’ experience working in the construction and property development market advising on major projects and programmes across the UK and Ireland in a wide range of sectors.

Anders Fylling
Director Sustainability, Statsbygg
Anders is director for the Sustainability department in Statsbygg, and is a part of the leader group in Statsbygg. He oversees the sections of SHA, Strategy, Climate and environment, Cultural Heritage, Financial Analysis and Legal affairs.
Anders has more than 20 years of experience in the field of energy and sustainable buildings and have a background in managing complex projects, optimizing energy efficiency, and implementing renewable energy solutions.